QTrobot helped my son to finally grasp what each emotion means and how each of them is expressed. He also started to notice when he was feeling an emotion. For example, now he often tells me that he feels green, that means everything is alright! This parent testimonial tells the story of how QTrobot can help in teaching emotions to children with autism.
“Emotionally speaking, everything was easier when Eli was younger. As he was growing up, everything became more difficult and complicated for him.” Eli’s mom says. The problem was that he has very extreme and intense emotions. When he is happy, he is literally jumping around and exploding of joy. But his anger is also very extreme.
When Eli was practicing with QTrobot, it taught him about the color of emotions. It taught him about 4 categories of emotions like anger, sadness, fear and happiness. For Eli it was really helpful to learn to categorize emotions and associate each of them with one specific color.

“For Eli it was really helpful to learn to categorize emotions and associate each of them with one specific color.” _Mom of a child with ASD
It helped him to finally grasp what each emotion means and how each of them is expressed. He also started to notice when he was feeling an emotion. For example, now he often tells me that he feels green, that means everything is good and calm and he is alright.
QTrobot helped Eli to realize many things that he didn’t know before. I remember one day, after the session with QTrobot he came to me and said that he was always feeling emotions that are too strong and now he knows about what happens when our emotions are too strong.
QTrobot looks really cute and has a nice shape for kids. It has a very nice voice and it behaves very friendly. Children feel very interested to interact and engage with it.

I think This is what he really like from the beginning. He was always enthusiastic to work with QTrobot. He also liked to talk about it and tell us about how QTrobot talks and behaves and what it teaches in the sessions. For example, Eli was trying to teach his little brother about the things that QTrobot has taught him in the emotional skills sessions.
Ellie was seeing QTrobot as a character. For him, QTrobot was not an object. Of course, he knows that QTrobot is not a child or a human, but he interacts with the robot as it is a child.
“Now, he reflects a lot about his condition and about what it means. In this regard, QTrobot really helped him.”
QTrobot has a comprehensive educational curriculum helping children with autism to familiarize and practice emotions. The curriculum is developed around 6 modules, each one teaching a specific emotion-related skill in several educational units.
Skills taught in the emotional ability curriculum cover emotion imitation, recognition, labelling, generation as well as understanding emotions and reacting to them.
To learn more about the emotional skill curriculum of QTrobot, please download the outline here:

Teaching emotions to children with autism, could QTrobot help?
QTrobot can be helpful for many children in learning new life skills such as emotion recognition and understanding. As each child is unique, we offer the possibility to discuss the suitability of QTrobot during a one-to-one meeting with our specialist team. You can book a free live demo with our team of specialists to discuss more.