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Autism Robot for Improving Your Child’s Learning Outcome at Home!

See How QTrobot Works

As Seen On

“A little bot named QTrobot could be the link between therapists, parents, and autistic children.“
“A little bot named QTrobot could be the link between therapists, parents, and autistic children.“
“According to scientists, the adorable QTrobot decreases the anxiety of autistic children.”
“According to scientists, the adorable QTrobot decreases the anxiety of autistic children.”
”QTrobot takes some pressure off of parents and aids in keeping children with autism engaged in learning.”
”QTrobot takes some pressure off of parents and aids in keeping children with autism engaged in learning.”
“It presents itself a better option than using a tablet or an app because the robot itself looks like another person.”
“It presents itself a better option than using a tablet or an app because the robot itself looks like another person.”

What is

QTrobot for At-home Autism Support

QTrobot is an innovative social robot designed specifically to support the education and development of autistic children. By providing interactive, engaging, and consistent learning sessions, QTrobot helps improve educational outcomes right at home.

With activities focused on speech and language, social-emotional skills, and cognitive development, QTrobot makes learning fun and effective. Its user-friendly setup and evidence-based practices empower parents to deliver tailored education that meets their child’s unique needs, fostering growth and progress.

Educational robot for home use teaching new skills to autistic children

QTrobot Key Values For At-home Education Of Autistic Children

Individualized Learning Plan

QTrobot offers your child a customized education plan tailored to their unique learning needs, focusing on developmentally appropriate skills. This individualized education plan adapts as your child progresses, ensuring a continuous and personalized learning journey.

Evidence-Based Curriculum

QTrobot includes a ready-to-use, comprehensive autism curriculum incorporating evidence-based practices. This makes it easy for parents to provide high-quality support for their children, addressing a wide range of essential skills for the early development of autistic children.

Scientifically Validated Robot

QTrobot is scientifically validated to enhance learning opportunities for autistic children by boosting their motivation, collaboration, and engagement. This leads to increased practice and improved learning outcomes.

How does

QTrobot Teach New skills to Children

Play-based learning is highly effective for teaching children, and when combined with a cute robot friend, it leads to even greater engagement and motivation. QTrobot utilizes this approach by:

  • Interactive games, role-playing, and social narratives to make lessons fun and engaging
  • Simple, age-appropriate language paired with a visual support

  • Clear and exaggerated emotions and gestures to teach social, communication, and emotional skills

  • Custom education plans that adapt as your child develops cognitive, social, and language skills. The complexity of the interactions with the robot increases as your child progresses through the educational activities.

autism robot works as an at home educational tutor for children teaching them new skills
therapy robot helps autistic children with their communication and social skills

Evidence-based Curriculum for At-home Learning

QTrobot comes with a comprehensive curriculum that is designed to support autistic children to grow and learn in a consistent and individualized way. The curriculum is:

  • Based on evidence-based methods of teaching including structured prompting and reinforcement, visual support, video modeling, and social narratives
  • Designed by experienced autism professionals

  • Categorized into skill-specific and age-appropriate units to support individualized education plans

  • Involving parents during the interaction to facilitate generalization 

  • Complementary extracurricular activities for extending the practice to the child’s daily life

What Your Child Will Learn From QTrobot’s 300+ Educational Units

QTrobot comes with several educational curricula with over 300 educational units. The units cover a wide variety of skills that are all targeted to improving the child’s social and communication skills, language development, cognitive development, emotional skills and autonomy.

Early Stage Development

This curriculum focuses on the developmental milestones of the first 48 months, including social, cognitive, receptive and expressive language development

Social Skills

Using this curriculum, students can learn a large variety of social skills from beginner to advanced about how to interact, ask questions, respond to questions and make conversations.

Emotional Abilities

The QTrobot emotional ability curriculum supports students to learn emotion recognition and labeling, connecting situations to their emotional outcome and calm down strategies.

Community Helpers

In the units of the community helpers curriculum, QTrobot supports children to learn the names of the people in the community, their work place, cars, role, and how to interact with them.

All about Clothing

This activity bundle teaches children to get prepared for being independent in getting dressed, by learning the names of clothing items, their use cases & seasons, dressing sequences and more.

All About Bathroom

Going through this activity bundle children learn to recognize and label bathroom items, know their functions and get familiarized with the hygiene routines and sequences.

Discover QTrobot’s Impact: Parents’ Stories on Helping Kids Learn at Home with Our Robot

Benefits Of Using The Robot For Children With Autism

Simple to understand

Simple to understand

Exaggerated and clear expressions and behaviors of the autism robot help children learn easily. With QTrobot, they can practice and learn in a simplified setup and gain confidence.

Engaging and motivating

Engaging and motivating

QTrobot is very engaging for children with autism. More attention and concentration help children to learn more effectively, especially for the activities that require shared attention.

Consistent and predictable

Consistent and predictable

The consistent and predictable nature of autism education with the robot gives comfort to children and prevents them from getting distracted or overwhelmed. 

Tireless & non-judgmental

Tireless & non-judgmental

QTrobot is non-judgemental and repeats everything in the same manner until your child masters a skill.  It offers a consistent and positive setup for kids to practice skills as many times as needed.

robot for autism providing home education for children teaching them language and communication

How To Get Started With The Autism Robot 

Figure out if QTrobot is a good tool for your child

Book a meeting with our autism specialists, discuss your child’s needs and learning goals and learn how QTrobot can address your child’s learning goals.

Order QTrobot from our store

Order your QTrobot from our store HERE and receive it at your door. 

Book an onboarding meeting

When you receive your robot, book an onboarding meeting with our autism team. In the onboarding, you will learn how to use QTrobot, access your child’s reporting and progress monitoring, and how to work on the 1st learning goals. 

Benefit from our 1-month satisfaction guarantee

You can use QTrobot for 30 days, and only keep it if you and your child are loving it. 

Scientifically Validated Impact On Learning 

QTrobot is designed based on the best scientific methods of autism education. Scientific and empirical studies show QTrobot can improve the learning outcome of children with autism. It can increase the attention of learners with ASD and help them to be more engaged in educational sessions.  Studies also show that children display less anxiety and fewer stereotypical behaviors when sessions are offered by QTrobot compared to when interacting with a person.

benefits of robot for helping children with autism at home

Choose your QTrobot Autism platform of choice

QTrobot Autism Home

For parents



  • 4-core Arm® @1.2GHz
  • 1GB RAM
  • 32GB eMMc


  • 2 x 10-inch Lenovo tablets


  • 2 years
Software Subscription


  • QTrobot Parent App
  • QTrobot Learner App


  • Early Stage Development
  • Emotionall Skills
  • Community Helpers
  • All About Clothing


  • 1 parent profile / license
  • 3 learner profiles / license
Price of Devices:
USD $1,980
Software Subscription:

* use of the robot requires active software subscription

QTrobot Autism Professional

For schools and therapy centers



  • 4-core Arm® @1.8GHz
  • 4GB RAM
  • 64GB eMMc


  • 2 x 10-inch Lenovo tablets


  • 2 years
Software Subscription


  • QTrobot Educator App
  • QTrobot Learner App


  • Early Stage Development
  • Emotionall Skills
  • Community Helpers
  • All About Clothing
  • Phonics


  • 10 professional profiles / license
  • 100 learner profiles / license
Price of Devices:
USD $4,000
Software Subscription:

* use of the robot requires active software subscription

QTrobot Autism Enterprise

For large organizations with +10 robots



  • 4-core Arm® @1.8GHz
  • 4GB RAM
  • 64GB eMMc


  • 2 x 10-inch Lenovo tablets


  • 2 years
Software Subscription


  • QTrobot Educator App
  • QTrobot Learner App


  • Early Stage Development
  • Emotionall Skills
  • Community Helpers
  • All About Clothing
  • Phonics


  • 50 professional profiles / license
  • 100 learner profiles / license


  • 1GB storage / license
  • 10 QTrobot Studio users / license


Contact us at [email protected]

* use of the robot requires active software subscription

Ready To Make An Impact On The Way Your Child Is Learning? 


QTrobot for home

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34 Birks Dr. Cold Lake, M2Y 7U9

QTrobot for home

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