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RR-Code-your-QtRobot - LuxAI S.A.

Program  QTrobot  just like your  laptop

Attach your LCD, keyboard and mouth to the QTrobot  and  you have a standard Ubuntu desktop that you can check your  emails while programming the Qtrobot  using its powerful ROS api with Python, C++ or JavaScript.

Embrace innovation as an integral part of your daily routine, where endless possibilities await you through popular machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and  PyTorch, readily available at your service.

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Graphical Studio for Interdisciplinary  Research 

In addition to its ROS SDK,  QTrobot’s  simple and easy-to-understand  block-based studio empowers non-technical researchers to easily  create advanced interactive applications.

Even as a technical user, you will find the  QTrobot  studio handy to  quickly prototype engaging applications for your research experiment.  QTrobot  blocks support communicating with ROS, facilitating an  interdisciplinary research that brings technical and health-education experts together.

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