Early signs of language development delays frequently lead parents to seek autism diagnosis for their children. While delays in expressive language are readily apparent, assessing receptive language—how a child comprehends […]
Parent success stories
In this testimonial, Rachel Ricci and her family share their experience of one year of using the in-home, educational autism robot QTrobot, with their son Caden. Through Rachel’s family’s experiences, […]
Preeti has been using QTrobot for approximately 10 months with her son. How has it been to integrate QTrobot in daily routines? How does QTrobot help in learning? Would you […]
Emily is a mom of three. Her youngest daughter Kira is 12 years old and has autism. QTrobot has been part of Emily’s family for soon 9 months, helping her […]
“We have been using QTrobot for the last 7 months to teach new skills to our children at home and we use it pretty much every day. Depending on the […]
“QTrobot for autism is our own personal at-home robot tutor and in the past 6 months, we have been using it every night to do a little bit of learning […]
“When we first decided to get an educational robot, we were unsure what to expect, but now we are thrilled we decided to get QT. We are able to help […]
QTrobot helped my son to finally grasp what each emotion means and how each of them is expressed. He also started to notice when he was feeling an emotion. For […]
“Rayan is my first child and he has autism. Now he attends a special needs school in France. QTrobot was introduced in the school in one-to-one sessions and Rayan was […]
Raising a child with autism makes tremendous demands on mothers and the family and no one knows this better than Solveig Ellefsen! This is the story of how Solveig found help […]